Each line should contain comma separated values count, name, url
5, hamster, https://media.tenor.com/vLEZ2KX_AIEAAAAM/hampton-hamster.gif 5, coffeescript, https://cdn.iconscout.com/icon/free/png-256/coffee-script-3629290-3031874.png
They can optionally also include width(cm) and height(cm) values. These will override the default sticker size. If height is omitted, it will be auto-calculated based on the width. In the first line below, the icon is adjusted to have a width of 6 cm, with the height auto-calculated. In the second line, the image is stretched to become 2x4 inches.
30, hamster, https://media.tenor.com/vLEZ2KX_AIEAAAAM/hampton-hamster.gif, 2 30, coffeescript, https://cdn.iconscout.com/icon/free/png-256/coffee-script-3629290-3031874.png, 6